Learning Objectives
- Understand what energy codes apply in your region, and how the requirements demand higher effective thermal performance from walls that previous standards.
- Understand the non-linear effect that highly conductive wall components have on the total effective wall R-value.
- Understand how current conventional wall assemblies compare from a thermal point of view.
- Become aware of several conventional and state- of-the-art proprietary approaches that have been used in the past year to solve these issues and reduce costs.
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1.5 LU/HSW Credit
The course will cover Electronic Leak Detection (ELD) testing methods used for quality assurance. Participants will be able to understand the principles outlined in the ASTM Standard Guide D7877 and ASTM Standard Practice D8231. Participants will also be able to identify which roofing and waterproofing assemblies can be quality control tested using advanced electronic leak detection methods instead of flood testing. ELD will be discussed as part of new construction commissioning as well as preventative maintenance for the life of the roof. The second portion of the course will consist of a review of conductive mediums for roofing and waterproofing. Participants will be informed of conductive medium options and proper placement within the assembly. The final portion of this course will cover design and construction failures commonly identified by ELD testing and embedded fully monitored leak detection systems. These potential issues can be prevented with slight design and scheduling changes if identified.
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